" I got MARRIED!!! :) :) he has been unbelievably amazing and loving. I ADORE him! He communicates with me in a peaceful/loving way (perfect for me), and he's such a happy man with a good heart! He's really great! PLUS, he's TOTALLY gorgeous! :) Thank you for helping prepare me for a man who can love me so much!! I'm able to accept his love in large part because of the work that we did together. Thank you again for helping me become a higher functioning person!!! :) :) :) Lots of love Susan N. Mesa, Arizona
"The beauty of what Susan does is she only needs one person to do it. With one person I have seen her turn around relationships; I guess everything comes down to relationships, whether you're having a problem with a spouse, with a child, with yourself. I'm always overwhelmed how she dedicates her self and how relentlessly she seeks a solution.!" Richard J. Dolwig, Jr. Family Law Judge pro-tem (Ret.), Cert. Family Law Specialist (Ret.) Attorney; Mediator and Arbitrator during Magical Marriage video with wife, Linda Dolwig, Santa Barbara, CA
"I appreciated our session today, and as a result of what you have mentioned at the end, I have gained this deep compassion for Neil who seems so lost, lonely and sad. Before, I just saw everything from my point of view only, and am wondering how is this any different from what Christ asked his followers to do...Thanks again" Julie E. Westlake, CA
"Susan, this really worked! Thank you! My Mom and Dad got along all weekend" SF 7 year old, San Fernando Valley, CA
"Susan eliminates barriers, traveling the way of spirit and heart. She allows people to enter that area, and say 'Yes' instead of "No". Susan Allan is the wings people glide on as she brings them through these difficult times seeing through the clear eye of the eagle. She respects their path and their history so that they go forward without their burdens." Charles R. Quintero, Peacemaker to the Navajo Nations, California certified mediator and arbitrator
"Susan Allan has not only been a columnist for our publication, Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine for the past 7 years, but she has also become a personal friend whom I admire and respect. .I have enjoyed watching her reinvent herself after her own divorce. Instead of being knocked down by the experience she found a way to use what she learned to assist others who were going through difficult challenges in their relationship. She teaches clients how to use integrity when unresolved difficulties threaten a marriage so the resolution is peaceful and respectful. She is a woman with an amazing talent for understanding and empathizing with people from all walks of life. Susan shows great compassion in her work and shares her gifts and talents generously with those whose lives she touches. She has dedicated her life to making a difference." Nansie Chapman Publisher/Editor Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine www.sbfamillife.com